
Garth is back! Sacred Sound Booth Ceremony on Sunday, Jan 26th 1:30-2:30 PM

Join Amber for Bikram, Thursdays @ 2:30pm!

Join Sumanth Wednesdays @ 6am!

Join Sarah for a 45 min flow Thursdays @ 1:15!

Join Ally for Sculpt, Thursdays @ 4pm!

Join Kitt for Sweat & Surrender Flow on Tuesdays @ 4pm!

Join Kimberly for HIIT Fusion Flow on Thursdays!

Our custom mobile app is finally here! You can sign up for classes more smoothly through our Custom App

Get your SCULPT Hot Yoga Flow on with Claudine! Thursdays @ 4pm

New Pilates Class! oin David on Thursdays @ 5:30pm for an hour of Inferno Pilates!

Join Anil on Mondays for a 45 min Express Flow!

Join Ross on Sundays for a 75 min Bikram class!

Join Shelly & Justin Anne!

Join Shelly & Lisa!

Join Brittany on Saturdays for our Charity class!

Mark your calenders! Join Justin Anne for Inversions & Arm Balances for Beginners!

Mark your calenders! Reiki workshop with Lisa H coming in August!

Join Katie J for her new class!

Join Jessica H for her new class!

Join Justin Anne for her new classes!

Click on the image to learn more about our YTT program and sign up!

Join Jen for all of her new classes!

Join Kim Bartman on Saturdays @ 8:30 am!

Join Shelly on Wednesdays @ 2:30 pm for a YIN class!

Join Claudine at @ 8:30 am on Fridays!

Margaret has taken over the Tuesdays 45 min express flow! Join her @ 8pm!

Yin with Beth! Join her @ 2:30pm on Tuesdays

Justin Anne has taken over the Wednesday 45 min express flow! Join her @1:15pm!

Shes back! Join Susan on Fridays @ 7pm for a one hour Hot Flow!

Join Kimberly on Thursdays for a 45 min Hot Express Flow!

We have a new workshop coming up with Caren! When: Oct 8th @ 1:30 pm - What: Body connection + unleash experience by Caren - Please sign up on MINDBODY - $18 a yogi - More info: Mark your calendar! SPECIALITY EXPERIENCE!: 1 hour Body connection + unleash experience

Join Claudine on Thursdays for a one-hour Hot Vinyasa Sculpt class with optional weights!

Join Shelly on Tuesdays @ 5:30 pm for a one-hour Hot Vinyasa Flow!

Join Mechelle on Wednesdays at 2:30pm - Relieve stress and anxiety, and improve your overall well-being.

Now accepting Teacher Training Applications for our 2022/2023 trainees!

Buddy Pass is Back!! Attention ALL ANNUAL MEMBERS! Starting TOMORROW, May 19th - You get 2 FREE BUDDY PASSES PER MONTH for any class! Spread the love and bring in a friend and/or family member to show them how much Hot Yoga will make them feel amazing!

Teachers, join us FREE for the month of June!

Ally Alexander is back and teaching Fridays @ 7pm!

Another New Class Alert! Join Lisa on Wednesdays for a 45 min Express Hot Flow

Another New Class Alert! Starting February 2nd

oin Lisa Sunday, February 20th for a 75-minute - Restorative Yoga class with Reiki

This class will be a series of passive postures held for three to
ten minutes, guided by Lisa Hinnant, Reiki Master Teacher.
Reiki is a Japanese modality of energy healing, allowing for a
gentle channeling of healing energy to pass through the practitioner and into the student.
Reiki can be delivered with a gentle hands-on approach or if the student prefers, Reiki can also be delivered from a distance. Each student will be given a consent card to communicate which way is best for them.
Students are encouraged to bring bolsters or pillows to better
support them in each relaxing posture, blocks will be provided.
Members $25
Non-Members $30
tune back in for the purchase link soon

Start your New Years off right with Amber!

Start your New Year off right with Amber!
-New years Eve Class
-Friday, January 31st
-11 pm
-Ends right at midnight

Give the gift of Hot Yoga for the Holidays!

Gift Cards are available in the studio and on our website.
Please reach out if you have any questions!
Why Hot Yoga?
It can increase your flexibility
It can detoxify your body
It may boost heart health
It helps promote mindfulness
It can boost your mood

Our On-Going Charity, A Place at the Table Raleigh

We are very excited to announce our ongoing Charity is A Place At The Table!
Come out and join our charity classes on Saturdays at 1:30 pm
We take for granted that we have food on our table.
This is to feed families to feed ourselves.
Mission: A Place At The Table provides community and good food for all regardless of means.
What is in it for you? You help provide community & good food for all regardless of means. Oh, and you get a FREE Table mug!

Mary is back starting Tuesday, August 24th!

Join her for a one-hour hot flow at 8 pm!

Join Garth, Sunday July 18th for a Sacred Sound Bath Ceremony!

Every object has a natural vibratory rate; it’s resonance. One of the principles of using frequency as a transformative and healing modality is to understand that the body is in a constant state of vibration. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system–all are in a state of vibration. When we are in a state of health, the body projects an overall harmonic of health.
When we aren’t, external frequencies (along with Intention) can be used to support and return both body and spirit to an optimal harmonic state.
Join Garth in transcending these corporal bodies with ancient sounds from around the globe including guitar, overtone singing, chimes, Tibetan Bowls, Quartz bowls, flute, gong, frame drum, tuning forks, and didgeridoo. He will open a Sacred Space, calling the directions and the elemental energies.
Then he will lead you in a group toning exercise to assist everyone “dropping into” the experience. Once complete, he will lead a grounding exercise to help stabilize any intense energies being felt by anyone.
You can find out more about him at

Please help us support our July Charity, A Place At The Table Raleigh

We take for granted that we have food on our table. This is to feed families to feed ourselves.
Mission: A Place At The Table provides community and good food for all regardless of means.

Please help us support our June Charity, Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities!

TLC empowers individuals of all abilities to live their fullest life, serving children, adults, and families through on-site and community-based programs: educational services, respite care, early childhood intervention, autism therapies, community living support, and residential living.
Their Programs: ABA Services, Home and Community Based Services, Individual and Family Services, Early Education and Preschool Services, Residential Services, and Therapy Services.
You can help change the disability landscape for hundreds of families right here in our community.
TLC provides educational, residential, and community support services to nearly 600 children and adults of all abilities each year, all made possible through the generosity and support of people like you!

New class alert! Join Mechelle on Tuesdays @ 1:15pm - Starting April 27th! - 1 hour Hot 26 Flow

Join Shelly @ 8:30 am for a GENTLE HOT FLOW and join Justin Anne @ 5:30 pm for a HOT VINYASA FLOW.

Please help us support our April Charity, Living With Autism

April is autism awareness month, please support Living With Autism, for our April Charity. Living With Autism, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides quality residential services to adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are now an accredited North Carolina Behavioral Health Provider Agency.
Their Goals:
To provide programs and facilities to meet the unique needs of our clients with Autism Spectrum Disorder
To support and educate staff so that they can provide the best care for our clients
To offer resources to families affected by ASD to help strengthen familial relationships
To educate the general public about the special needs of the autism community
To, above all, provide a meaningful life to our clients with autism

Please help us support our March Charity, Pretty In Pink!

Pretty In Pink Foundation’s mission is to provide uninsured and under-insured breast cancer patients in North Carolina with financial assistance for quality, life-saving medical treatment. We make this happen with financial commitments through sponsorships, fundraising, donations, and pledge drives that support our Champions throughout North Carolina.
When breast cancer is present…and health insurance is not. Pretty In Pink Foundation provides financial support for medical treatments to individuals who qualify based on household and income guidelines. To help extend our impact, Pretty In Pink Foundation partners with medical professionals across North Carolina who provide in-kind and reduced fee services to our breast cancer champions


YIN is back with Mechelle starting Monday, March 15th!

YIN is back with Mechelle starting Monday, March 15th!
Mondays @ 3:30pm
Bring your own bolsters if you’d like
Please sign up on MINDBODY


Join Sumanth for Restorative Yoga! Mondays @ 8:15pm

Restorative yoga is back after a year-long hiatus! It now comprises of a 10min meditation practice followed by a few subtle restorative poses that relieve your body of the stresses of the day and set you up for a good night’s sleep.
Please sign up on MINDBODY


Join Tarah & Haley for 6 AM Classes!

Starting next week, we have another class takeover! Join Tarah and Haley at 6 am! Sara F will be back to join us soon!
Please sign up on MINDBODY


Join Megan on Thursdays at 7pm for a Hot Vinyasa Flow!

Please sign up on MINDBODY

Support Our Charity of the Month for February, Support Carter

Late Thursday night, January 7th, Carter’s mom, Kara, unexpectedly went into cardiac arrest. She was 37 weeks pregnant and, unfortunately, lost the baby. After six long days on life support, Kara passed away on Thursday, January 14th. This tragedy has left seven year old Carter without his only parent and baby sister.

With all of the emotional pain and stress that a death brings, it also brings financial burdens. In addition to funeral costs and medical bills, a majority of these funds will be used to support Carter as he navigates this tragedy and enters this uncertain chapter in his life.

It is in these times of loss and sadness when you see people coming together to help one another make it through, to support the people we care for. We are thankful for any support you may be able to provide Carter. We also encourage everyone to keep Carter in their thoughts and prayers.

Support Our Charity of the Month for January, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - NC

Here in North Carolina, and nationwide, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a grassroots non-profit, run 99% by VOLUNTEERS like you. Our work focuses on eliminating the loss of life from suicide by delivering innovative prevention programs, educating the public about risk factors & warning signs, raising funds for suicide research and programs, and reaching out to those individuals who have been affected by suicide.
As a part of AFSP’s nationwide network of chapters, we bring together people from all backgrounds who want to prevent suicide in our communities. Our chapter is energized by the families and friends who’ve lost someone to suicide, by those with Lived Experience, by mental health professionals, clergy, educators, students, community/business leaders, and many others.

Join us on Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays for a 1:15 pm - 45-minute Express Flow Class

Give the gift of HOT YOGA for the holidays!

Give the gift of HOT YOGA for the holidays! You can purchase in the studio
or online.
Go here to purchase online:
Everyone needs a little yoga cheer in their lives!

Donate For A Good Cause - New Blankets & Pillows for the Salvation Army

Every donation makes a difference. It is time to give back! Help a family in need. We will have a donation box in the studio to donate pillows and blankets.

December Charity - Living With Autism, Inc.

Happy December Yogis! Support our December Charity, Living With Autism!
Living With Autism, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides quality residential services to adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
We are now an accredited North Carolina Behavioral Health Provider Agency.
Socially distanced, less than half capacity.
Please bring your own mat.
Minimum $5 donation

November Charity - Make-A-Wish Eastern NC

Our community classes are now in the hot room on Saturdays at 1:30 pm! Socially distanced, less than half capacity. Please bring your own mat.
Minimum $5 donation

November Charity - Make-A-Wish Eastern NC

Support our November Charity of the Month,
Make-A-Wish Eastern NC Foundation!
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Tens of thousands of volunteers, donors and supporters advance the Make-A-Wish® vision to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a critical illness. In the U.S. and its territories, a wish is granted every 34 minutes. A wish can be that spark that helps these children believe that anything is possible and gives them the strength to fight harder against their illnesses. This one belief guides us and inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.
For children diagnosed with critical illnesses, a wish come true can be a crucial turning point in their lives. A wish can be that spark that helps these children believe that anything is possible and gives them the strength to fight harder against their illnesses. This impact is why we are driven to make every one of these wishes come true

October Charity - First Tee Triangle!

First Tee — Triangle impacts the lives of young people by providing educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values, and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.
First Tee Life Skills Experience™ is a curriculum developed by experts in the field of positive youth development and delivered by trained coaches. Through this experience, participants learn to apply life skills and transfer the positive values of golf to everyday life.
First Tee — Triangle will IMPACT our community as the premier youth development organization, INFLUENCE the game of golf by being the go-to resource for junior golf programs in the area, and INSPIRE other youth organizations and First Tee chapters by being a leader within our region and network.

September Charity - Horses for Hope Raleigh!

VISION: To build hope, increase self-esteem, and enhance the joy
and inspiration for life in all individuals who participate in our programs.

MISSION: Horses for Hope promotes therapeutic healing of the mind, body,
and soul by using horses as a dynamic, interactive tool for individuals of all
ages, regardless of ability, including those who are experiencing physical,
mental, or emotional challenges.

Teacher Training 200 Hr coming up this Fall! Starts October 2nd

We welcome anyone that is interested in deepening your practice or skill set to become the yogi that you were destined to become!

Please reach out for any information:
Or go HERE

April Charity - The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina - COVID-19 Relief

Help us support our April Charity, The Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina – COVID-19 Relief

This is is a nonprofit organization that has provided food for our friends and neighbors facing hunger in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina for 40 years. The Food Bank is an affiliate member of Feeding America, the nation’s leading domestic hunger relief charity. In terms of total food distributed, the Food Bank ranks in the top 15 nationally among 200 Feeding America food banks and first in North Carolina. Our food distribution programs and child nutrition programs are based on national models.

Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina

Donate here: HERE

April is National Autism Awareness Month

April is National Autism Awareness Month and this in particular raise awareness for people with autism that become adults.

*Each year over 100,000 children with autism become adults with autism.

*One of our amazing trainees who works with people with Special Needs in our education system asked Claudine Burns, the owner of Indigo Hot Yoga, to do this podcast with her a few months ago.

*”Compassion goes a long way, we are a very good representative of that. There’s always so much more to do to make this world a better place.” – Claudine Burns Claudine Marie Burns

*Check out Podcast by Dreams Fulfilled: Episode 3: Home and Independence with Claudine Burns HERE

*Please donate to AUTISM AFTER 21 HERE

Come Flow with Christin! We are happy to have her back!

March Charity - The Green Chair Project

Working together to provide everyone the comforts of home.

We reuse donated household furnishings to renew lives of participants referred
from area programs who are recovering after homelessness, crisis or disaster.

The Green Chair Project is a 501(c)(3) that provides home furnishings donated from our community for families and individuals who have transitioned from experiencing homelessness or disasters and have secured sustainable housing.

The reusable gifts are cleaned and repaired by volunteers and are presented in a way that promotes dignity and respect. For a small fee, families working with case managers from partnering agencies can select furniture, linens, cookware and accessories to outfit their new homes.

The Green Chair experience encourages families to prioritize and make choices and empowers them to create their surroundings and rebuild their lives.

Join Us For Our Spring Fling!

We survived our flood! We have such an amazing community of yogis!

Join us by celebrating a Spring Fling!

When: March 28th – 7pm to 10pm
Where: 4924 Adler Pass Raleigh, NC 27612
Bring a dish and a drink you would like to share for potluck!

We are so excited and cannot wait to celebrate with you all!

Mythology of the Asanas Workshop with Dean Self!

We have an amazing workshop on the Mythology of the Asanas coming up in March with Dean Self!

**Mark your calendars yogis! Sunday, March 29th from 1:15pm – 3:15pm

$40 – Preregister
$45 – Day of Registration
$5 Discount for Annual Members & Teachers

When we connect to the stories behind the physical Yoga asanas, we connect to the attributes that they embody. Breathing life into these physical movements, you will learn how to incorporate the lessons learned from these Mythologies into your practice. Exploring the topics of loyalty, reverence, patience, anger, humility, and duty while moving through your practice allows it to be so much than a workout, it becomes a moving intention!

This workshop is designed for both the yogi wanting more depth from their regular practice and the teacher who is wanting to elevate their teaching to a higher level. In this 2 hour workshop, you will also move through several heated yoga sequences while hearing the stories and experiencing them in an entirely different way.


February Charity - Go Red For Women!

February is National Heart Month. Please help support the American Heart Association. Go Red For Women was born as a campaign to raise awareness among women about their great health threat – heart disease. Slowly, the campaign grew into a movement – one that not only brought together thousands of women annually but became the trusted, passionate, relevant force for change to eradicate heart disease and stroke all over the world. Go Red For Women provides a platform for women and their families to lead healthier lives, and drive collective action for community transformation.

Post Holiday Special

Start your new year off amazing with hot yoga!

2 weeks consecutive for $49 – towel and mat included.

Suppport Our January Charity

Please help us support a very dear friend in need that has found out they have pancreatic cancer.

You can donate at the front desk in the studio or reach out to us

Suppport Our January Charity

Garth is coming back in January for a unheated Sacred Sound Bath Ceremony! Join us Sunday, January 26th from 1:30-2:45pm!

You can find out more about him at

75 Minute Reiki Restorative Yoga Class

Join Lisa Hinnant for a 75 Minute Reiki Restorative Yoga Class Feb 2nd from 1:30 – 3pm. The class will end with a ten minute guided Savasana

COMPLEMENTARY CLASSES per month at each of our partner studios - Fit Friends: Core Fitness, Cyclebar North Hills & Barre3

One more reason on why becoming an ANNUAL member with us is amazing!

All of our annual members (monthly unlimited members) get 2 COMPLEMENTARY CLASSES per month at each of our partner studios – Fit Friends: Core Fitness, Cyclebar North Hills & Barre3!

Already an annual member? Enjoy yogis! Not one? Become one and enjoy! Can’t get any better than this!