Trained in YTT 200 Hr in Charelston
Fun Fact: I have been madly in love with hot yoga and addicted to it from my second class. My passion for it has only continued to grow.
I decided to enroll in teacher training in Charleston. (Oh, how I wish I could have had that experience with Claudine and JA at Indigo!) I had a horrible experience and wanted to quit every day, but stuck it out because it was a large investment for me and I’m not a quitter. Immediately after getting my certification, I moved to Nashville with ZERO intention of ever teaching after feeling beaten down and convinced I would not make for a good teacher.
Thankfully, I quickly found a hot yoga studio. As it turned out, the new owner was desperate for teachers and she threw me on the schedule (kinda against my will) to start teaching twice a week after work. No matter how bad of a day I had, no matter how lonely or sorry for myself I felt, for at least two hours a week I felt that it was my job and my duty to say positive things, to inspire my students, and to make others feel better about themselves and SMILE. For at least a couple of hours a week, I was very intentionally positive. And…I smiled.
My teaching style is power yoga with corny jokes and pop music to make sure you have fun while you’re working hard. My teaching goal is for every student to start smiling bigger and more often in and out of the hot room.